João Pacheco's
Personal Webpage

Welcome to my very own simple Webpage, here you'll find my projects and some information about them and of course, about me!

Click and hold me!


Mamonas Assassinas

Game developed firstly, as a project in Academia de Código with only 2 weeks development experience. After many of my friends asked to play it and none of them had JVM installed I decide to remake it in LibGDX so it could be available in every platform

Tech Stack
  • Java
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Gradlew
  • LibGDX

Roda Viva

Project done in a 24 hour hackathon at the end of the bootcamp. The challenge was to develop anything relating to a theme song, mine was Roda Viva. Ended up deciding on a flappy bird remake so I could play it on my phone

Tech Stack
  • Java
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Gradlew
  • LibGDX


Small REST API done while experimenting with nodeJS backend and react frontend

Tech Stack
  • NodeJS
  • React
  • ExpressJS

Simple Webpage

Simple portfolio website to display my projects and practice some more React

Tech Stack
  • React
  • NextJS
  • HTML
  • CSS


I've worked with a range of technologies in the web development world.

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    React.js and jQuery

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Java, Node and multiple databases

About Me

Programming since before I even knew what programming was I've always been interested in tinkering with software. Always wanted to stand out from the crowd and have the most customized linux desktop environment. Installing an OS where it wasn't supposed to be installed was a feeling I loved to chase.

Personal Achievements


Sports Federated in


Github Stars


Open Source Projects


Things learned

Curriculum Vitae

Learning something every single day!